The next retreat starts in:
The next retreat starts in:
14 Days (2x 1 Week)
on Koh Phangan
10 Partcipants
3 Meals
Unbeatable price
from 2.490€
17.-24.04.2024 (Week 1)
24.-01.05.2024 (Week 2)
The following services are included:
Not included is:
(1 Week)
per person 2.490 € (DB)
per person 2.990 € (SB)
>> Combo offer at an unbeatable price of: <<
2 (Weeks)
per person 4.290 € (DB)
per person 4.990 € (SB)
No risk, more fun!
Freedom for Entrepreneurs
(Entrepreneur,Investor, Mentor)
Do you feel exhausted by the challenges of the business world? Do you want to take your company to the next level? Are you longing for a place where you can recharge and become more successful and powerful?
Our business retreat, located directly by the sea on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan, offers exactly that. In recent years, the island has become a magnet for successful online entrepreneurs who combine the relaxed lifestyle in a paradise-like environment with their business ambitions.
We want to introduce you to this unique atmosphere of ease combined with business. Imagine waking up in your comfortable bungalow, accompanied by the gentle sound of the waves and the invigorating sea breeze, ready to start the day with renewed energy and focus. With the first light of the rising sun, you begin the day with an energizing fitness session on the beach. The rising sun and the sparkling water provide the perfect backdrop for a successful start to the day. Afterwards, you can enjoy a nutritious and healthy breakfast that will provide you with the necessary energy for the day ahead.
Make use of the rest of the day to participate in our special workshops, ranging from "No Risk, More Fun!" to "Bottleneck Check" and "Pathways to Entrepreneurial Freedom".
Alternatively, you can also opt for a rejuvenating massage or simply enjoy the beauty of the sea stretching out before you. Our retreat is more than just a break; it is a place of transformation.
Under the expert guidance of our professionals, we offer personalized support tailored to your professional goals and health needs. We begin with a personal consultation to understand your individual needs and objectives, and provide the necessary support accordingly. With the magical energy and vibrant community on the island, which will inspire you, we work together towards your personal and professional goals.
To promote your physical well-being, we offer three healthy meals per day, carefully prepared with high-quality ingredients. This allows you to experience the power of balanced nutrition while indulging your taste buds.
Our business retreat is an invitation to discover yourself on a deeper level and find your own path to a successful and healthy life. In the tranquility and seclusion of our retreat, you have the opportunity to pause, refocus, and find your way to greater performance and success. Join us on this inspiring journey.
Why should i book a "business" retreat?
Are you feeling drained by the challenges of the business world? Do you want to take your business to the next level? Are you yearning for a place where you can recharge and become more successful and high-performing?
Our business retreat, located directly by the sea on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan, offers exactly that. In recent years, the island has become a magnet for successful online entrepreneurs who combine the relaxed lifestyle in a paradise-like setting with their business ambitions.
We want to introduce you to this unique atmosphere of ease combined with business. Imagine waking up in your comfortable bungalow, accompanied by the gentle sound of waves and the invigorating sea breeze, ready to start the day with renewed energy and focus. With the first light of the rising sun, you begin the day with an energizing fitness session on the beach. The rising sun and the sparkling water provide the perfect backdrop for a successful start to the day. Afterwards, a nutritious and healthy breakfast awaits you, providing you with the necessary energy for the day ahead.
Use the rest of the day to participate in our special workshops, ranging from "No risk, more Fun!" to "Bottleneck Check" and "Pathways to Freedom for Entrepreneurs".
What are the benefits of a "business" retreat?
1. Improvement of work-life balance: Such a retreat provides you with the opportunity to learn how to better balance your work and personal life. This ultimately leads to a healthier lifestyle and increased job satisfaction.
2. Networking: A business retreat offers an excellent opportunity for networking. You can connect with other entrepreneurs and potentially establish valuable contacts.
3. Enhanced performance: By reducing stress and improving overall health, you can enhance your performance in the business world. A healthy body and a clear mind contribute to increased productivity and efficiency.
4. Inspiration and creativity: The tranquil and natural environment of a business retreat can foster inspiration and creativity. This can lead to discovering new ideas and solutions for your business challenges.
Gründer Health Island Holiday, Ernährungsberater & Gesundheitsexperte
Seit 2020 widme ich mich der Mission, Menschen auf einfache und freudvolle Weise zu einem gesünderen und glücklicheren Leben zu verhelfen.
Mein Herzensort und Wahlheimat ist die malerische Insel Koh Phangan, die mich von Anfang an durch ihr gesundheitsbewusstes Umfeld und die wunderbare Natur begeistert hat.
Hier habe ich beschlossen, meinen Traum zu verwirklichen und bis zu meinem 40. Lebensjahr mindestens 1.000.000 Menschen auf ihrem Weg zu einem gesunden Lebensstil zu unterstützen.
Aus dieser Vision heraus entstand 2022 Health Island Holiday. Unser einzigartiges Konzept ermöglicht es dir, inmitten der gesundheitsfördernden Atmosphäre von Koh Phangan, zusammen mit Gleichgesinnten, gesunden Restaurants, Retreat- und Heilungszentren sowie erholsamen Erholungsorten, dein Leben nachhaltig zu verbessern.
Ich selbst habe die magische Energie dieser Insel erlebt und weiß, dass sie den idealen Rahmen für einen gesunden und glücklichen Lebenswandel bietet.
Kombiniert mit unseren inspirierenden Retreats bietet Health Island Holiday dir die Möglichkeit, Abstand vom Alltag zu gewinnen und dich ganz auf dich selbst zu konzentrieren.
Du wirst mit neuer Energie und Leichtigkeit in dein tägliches Leben zurückkehren, bereit, die Welt zu erobern.
Komm und entdecke die Magie von Health Island Holiday und beginne noch heute deine Reise zu einem gesünderen, glücklicheren Leben!
Fitnesstrainer und Schmerzexperte
Um meine eigenen Rückenschmerzen und Performance als Profihandballer zu verbessern, habe ich frühzeitig wertvolles Wissen im Bereich des zielführenden Trainings erlangt.
Dieses Wissen und meine Begeisterung für die Unterstützung anderer Menschen haben mich dazu motiviert, zahlreiche Ausbildungen im therapeutischen und sportwissenschaftlichen Bereich zu absolvieren. In meinen vielen Tausenden von Trainings habe ich meine Klienten mit Herzblut begleitet und unterstützt.
Seit September 2022 bin ich nun auf der Trauminsel Koh Phangan und freue mich, ein Teil von Health Island Holiday zu sein und dich vor Ort bestmöglich zu betreuen und zu unterstützen.